Juniors Action

MDZS Junior Quartet Gotcha for Gaza


- Creator Signups: June 21- July 5
- Donations: July 6- August 6
- As the focus characters are underage all prompts must be SFW.
- Romantic pairings are welcomed, but please keep it junior x junior as the main pairing
- Adult x Adult side ships, platonic and familial relations between other character can be included in prompts
- Writers should create a fic based off their assigned prompt that has at least 1K word count
-Artists should create 1 clean sketch
-These are the minimums, volunteers are welcome to create more if they are inspired!
- Completed works can be posted on our ao3 collection and our twitter
-When posting on twitter please @ both your prompter and the event account so we can repost it!
- If you are struggling to post or have any questions please DM and one of the Mods will message you shortly!
- 5 USD
-Please include proof of donation(s) in your prompt submission
List of Charities

Creator signups are opened until July 5. Please refer to #faq for further information about requirements

Thank you for donating to one of the charities in #faq. The donation form will be opened on July 6 until August 6.